Page:Rover Boys in the Air.djvu/228

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town," answered one of the men. "But there ain't no town now, since the mills closed down—only empty houses."

"Just the place they'd be likely to head for!" cried Tom, in a low voice to his brothers. "Come, on, hurry up!"

Sam and Dick needed no urging, and having thanked the men for their information they started up the engine once more.

"How far is it to that deserted village." called out Tom, as the Dartaway was about to move off."

"Six miles!" shouted one of the crowd. "That is, by the road. The way you're going it ain't more'n four!" And this answer made the crowd laugh.

"Four miles," murmured Dick. "We ought to be able to head them off."

"I wish we were armed," came from Tom. "We may have some desperate characters to deal with."

"We might go back and get pistols," suggested Sam.

Dick thought for a moment. He knew well how desperate their enemies might become. He hated to lose the time but he realized it would be worse than useless to face a gang of four or more empty-handed. There was no telling what Sob-