Page:Rover Boys in the Air.djvu/264

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Once in the street the three Rover boys halted and looked at each other. The same thought was in the mind of each; should they follow the touring car on foot, or go back for the airship?

"We'll get the Dartaway!" cried Dick. "We can follow them so much more quickly that way."

At top speed they raced for the spot where they had left the biplane. They found the strange man on guard, smoking his pipe.

"We saw the barber," said Dick, "and now we are going after that touring car and the fellows in it. Much obliged for looking after the biplane," and he handed the man a silver half dollar.

"Thank you," said the man. "Want to catch 'em, eh?"

"Yes, they are rascals who ought to be in jail," answered Tom. And then, before the man could ask any more questions, the boys started up the