Page:Rover Boys in the Air.djvu/267

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see if you can't spot their headlights. Their taillight we smashed with a pistol shot."

On and on swept the biplane. As the late moon came up higher, the way became brighter, until they could distinguish the road below quite plainly. But nothing like a touring car came into view.

"They must have had more time than we thought, or else they ran mighty fast," remarked Dick, after several miles had been covered.

Presently they saw two bright lights coming towards them, down on the road. At once Dick shut off the power, and allowed the biplane to come down in the centre of the highway. Then Tom waved the lantern, and at the same time all three lads took hold of their pistols.

It was a runabout that was coming up, an old affair, carrying two men that looked like farmers.

"Hello, what's this, a hold-up?" cried one of the men. "By gum! if it ain't an airship!" he gasped, as his machine came to a standstill in front of the Dartaway.

"We'd like some information," said Dick, stepping forward and holding up the lantern. "We are looking for a big enclosed touring car that came this way. Did you meet it on the road?"

"A tourin' car? No, we didn't meet any kind o' an auto."