Page:Rover Boys in the Mountains.djvu/163

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"Well, it's mighty funny Tom and Sam don't come up."

It was Dick who spoke. He stood in the shelter of a number of walnut trees, and close at hand was John Barrow.

The pair had missed the others ten minutes before, and were now waiting impatiently for their reappearance.

"It can't be as how they missed the trail in this snow," said John Barrow soberly. "Let us shout for 'em."

They set up a shout, and waited impatiently for an answer. But none came, and they called again.

"We had better go back for them," said Dick, his face full of a troubled look. "I wouldn't have them get lost in this snowstorm for the world."

It was decided to leave the sled where it was, and soon they were hurrying along the back trail. But the snow and wind were against them, and they made slow progress.

"It will not be necessary to relate all the particu-