Page:Rover Boys in the Mountains.djvu/190

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"Well, then, Dick has the only map we possess." And Tom grinned, while Sam had all he could do to keep from laughing outright.

Instantly Dan Baxter's face grew dark, and he, drew back his hand as if to strike Tom.

"You're a fresh one!" he burst out. "Are you telling me the truth?"

"I am. He has the map, and I reckon he'll keep it. Now, if it's all the same to you, we'll take that meal. Eh, Sam?"

"I'm hungry enough."

"I shan't give you a mouthful!" roared Baxter. "You can't play any game on me."

"That shows what your promise is worth, Baxter," returned Tom. "I didn't expect much else, though, for I know you thoroughly. Still, we told you nothing but the truth."

With a face full of hatred Dan Baxter turned on his heel and left them. Presently they heard him sit down with the others, and all began to eat the food that had been cooking.

"I must say we didn't gain much," observed Tom gloomily. "I suppose I ought to have humored him, in order to get something. But I despise him so I can't help pitching into him."

"I wouldn't humor him—I'd starve first!" returned Sam earnestly. "I am glad we weren't carrying the map."