Page:Rover Boys in the Mountains.djvu/195

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"Somebody is coming!" ejaculated Sam. "I hope it is Dick, with Mr. Barrow!"

"So do I," returned Tom.

Without saying a word more, Jasper Grinder ran from the inner cave and joined Baxter and the guide. His face was pale, and he was evidently much disturbed.

Soon Baxter and his party were outside, and the Rover boys heard them moving up and down the gully. Several minutes passed, and then came a gunshot, followed by another.

"I hope they are not firing on Dick or Mr. Barrow," said Sam, with something of a shudder.

"I guess not," returned his brother. "If they were, we'd probably hear shots in return."

An hour went by, and then Dan Baxter and the others came back, the guide carrying several rabbits and a large fox. The rabbits were skinned and kept for eating, and the fox was skinned and the carcass thrown away.

Torn and Sam had expected Jasper Grinder to