Page:Rover Boys in the Mountains.djvu/32

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"It's inhuman to make a fellow freeze," burst out Tom. "I don't believe Captain Putnam would do that."

"Not another word from either of you," came sharply from the teacher. "Your brother will not freeze to death, but the cold may teach him a useful lesson."

"If he gets sick, I'll get my father to hold you legally responsible," went on Tom.

At these words the teacher turned slightly pale, a vision of a lawsuit with damages to pay floating across his miserly mind.

"To ease your mind, Rover, let me say I'll see to it that he doesn't get sick," he said, and before Tom or Dick could question him further he passed out of the room.

"If he isn't the worst yet!" burst out Fred, who had listened with interest to what was said.

"I shan't stand it," returned Tom. "Will you, Dick?"

Dick, older and more thoughtful, mused for a moment.

"I'd certainly like to help Sam," he said. "But we must be careful and not get into trouble with Captain Putnam."

"I'm going to find my way to the door of the cell somehow," went on Tom.

"Old Grinder left that door unlocked when he came out," said George, who had joined them.