Page:Rover Boys in the Mountains.djvu/46

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In the meantime, what of affairs in the dormitory? Was all going as quietly as Tom had anticipated?

As soon as Tom went below Dick locked the door, then turned again to the window. Sam was trying to climb from one room to the next, but could not get a satisfactory hold.

"Here, give me your hand," cried Dick softly, and reaching forth he soon helped his brother to a position of safety.

"Say, aint it dangerous?" asked Tubbs anxiously, as he gazed to the ground, twenty feet below.

"You've got to run some risks, Tubbs," said Dick. "Quick, or you may be too late."

Fearful of a fall, the rich youth put out one foot and a hand. Dick tried to reach him, but was unable to do so.

"A little further, Tubbs," he said encouragingly.

"I—I'm afraid I'll fall," was the trembling