ances of the voyage. They did not know me, of course, but they returned my bow, called for beer, drank it and strolled on. As they were leaving I remarked in English to one of them, apparently an American:
"'The ship does not sail until night, does she?'
" 'Not until one o'clock,' he replied, agreeably, no doubt taking me for a passenger from Porto Cabello.
"For awhile we sat in silence; then my lieutenant, who evidently found himself greatly bored, turned to me and said, in fair English:
" 'You are a tourist, sir?'
" 'Yes,' said I, 'and much regretting that this is the last which I shall see of Venezuela for many months.' There promised to be some truth in the last part of this statement, Doctor.
" 'You enjoy Venezuela?' inquired the officer, evidently pleased.
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