Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/130

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[Post-Captain of 1806.]

Eldest Bon of the late Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Louis, Bart., K.F.M., &c., by Jacquetta Belfield, a lady of very respectable connexions in the west of England[1].

This officer was made a Commander, by Nelson, early in 1805; and his post commission bears date Jan. 22, 1806. During the latter part of the late war, he commanded l’Aigle frigate, on the Mediterranean station. The principal services in which he participated have been described in our memoirs of Captain John Tower, Rear-Admiral Moubray, C.B., and Sir James Brisbane[2]; the latter of whom, when reporting the capture and destruction of a French convoy at Port Maurice, expressed himself as follows:–

“I feel great pleasure in declaring how much I am indebted to Sir John Louis and Captain Coghlan for the manner in which they placed their ships, and for the precision of their fire; but their characters are so well known, as well as the high state of discipline of their ships, that any encomium from me is unnecessary.”

Sir John Louis married, 15th Oct. 1807, the eldest daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Kirkpatrick, Commandant of the 8th regiment of Bengal Native Infantry. His youngest brother, Charles Belfield Louis, is a Commander R.N.

Agent.– A. C. Marsh, Esq.

[Post-Captain of 1806.]

Youngest son of the late gallant Admiral Lord Rodney, K.B., Vice-Admiral of Great Britain, who died May 24, 1792.

This officer was born in 1783; made a Lieutenant, 29th Aug. 1799; promoted to the rank of Commander, April 8,

  1. Sir Thomas Louis died on board his flag-ship, the Canopus, at Alexandria, in Egypt, May 17, 1807; his remains were interred at Malta, by the side of the gallant Abercrombie. An interesting memoir of this distinguished Admiral will be found in the Nav. Chron. Vol. XVI. pp. 177–193.
  2. May 20th, 21st, and 28th, 1813; Aug. in the same year; and April 11th, 1814. – See Vol. II, p. 898; Vol. I. p. 812; and Vol, II. p. 409.