Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/162

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tempore to the Pallas frigate, and proceeded in her to Walcheren with the grand expedition under Lord Chatham and Sir Richard J. Strachan, the latter of whom reported him as having been “particularly attentive to the public service” during the short time that elapsed previous to his being superseded by Captain G. F. Seymour, for whom he had been acting.

Captain Dobbie’s next appointment was, in the spring of 1814, to the Ethalion 42, in which frigate he served on the coast of Ireland, until ordered to be paid off in Sept. 1815. On the 15th Jan. in the following year, he was appointed to the Pactolus 46, fitting for the Halifax station, from whence he returned previous to the expiration of the usual term of service in peace, the dry rot having rendered his ship unserviceable. She was put out of commission in Aug. 1817, and Captain Dobbie has not since been professionally employed. We have already intimated that he holds a commission of the peace, and a Deputy Lieutenancy for the county of Essex.

The officer of whose long and arduous services we have now given an outline, married, Aug. 8, 1808, Agatha Shedden, third daughter of Bartlet Goodrich, of Saling Grove, Essex, Esq. and has a family of eleven sons and daughters. His only brother, George Dobbie, Esq. was educated for the medical profession, and joined the 75th regiment, in 1793. He served about eighteen months in India, and there fell a victim to the climate.

Agents.– Messrs. Goode and Clarke.

A Companion of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath.
[Post-Captain of 1806.]

Son of George F. Wise, of Woolston, near Kingsbridge, co. Devon, Esq. by Jane, sister to the late Vice-Admiral James Richard Dacres.

This officer was born at Woolston, Aug. 21, 1784; entered