Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/280

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second daughter of the late George Griffin Stonestreet, Esq. of Clapham, High Sheriff for the county of Surrey, in 1800; by whom he had three sons and two daughters. Secondly, in Feb. 1820, to Anne, daughter of the late Commissioner Charles Hope. He has two relations in the church, viz. the Rev. George Griffin Stonestreet (cousin and brother-in-law), domestic chaplain to the Duke of York; and the Rev. John Hawtayne (younger brother), D.D., Archdeacon of Bombay.

(Formerly James Deans, Esq.)
[Post-Captain of 1807.]

Nephew to Charles Dundas, of Barton Court, Berkshire, Esq. M.P. for that county.

This officer served for some time as a Lieutenant of the Cumbrian frigate, on the Halifax station, where he assisted at the capture of several armed vessels[1]. His commission as a commander bears date Oct. 8, 1806; and about the same period he was appointed to the Rosamond sloop of war, in which vessel we find him stationed off the Isle of Rugen, attending upon the Hon. Henry Pierrepont, H.M. Ambassador to the King of Sweden, during the siege of Stralsund, in 1807.

After the fall of that city, the Rosamond joined Admiral Gambier’s fleet at Copenhagen, where Captain Deans sustained some injury from the splinters of a shell which burst near him whilst he was employed extinguishing a fire in the dock-yard during the night of the 22d Sept. His active and zealous exertions on that occasion appear to have been very praiseworthy, and did not fail to obtain him the approbation of Admiral Gambler, Sir Samuel Hood, and other superior officers. His promotion to post rank took place on the 13th of the following month; and about the same period he was appointed to act as captain of the Cambrian.

In April, 1808, Captain Deans married Janet, only daughter and heiress of the above mentioned C. Dundas, Esq. and on that occasion he obtained the royal license and authority to