Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/392

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the coast of Caramania, Cyprus, Alexandria, and the coast of Syria; after which she returned along the southern part of the Archipelago to Malta. Whilst on the Mediterranean station, Captain Pechell received several highly gratifying letters, of which the following are copies:

Revenge, Naples, 5th Nov. 1824.

“Sir,– I have received by the Otranto mail the duplicates of your despatches informing me of the Lord High Commissioner having requested you to abstain from farther hostilities against the Greek flag, in consequence of his having obtained from the Greek government the satisfaction which was demanded on the three subjects of complaint specifically stated in the instructions from Lord Bathurst, of which you received a copy.

“I congratulate you on a result which is to be attributed to your judicious exertions.

“I am also sensible of the gallant conduct of Lieutenant Gordon, and the officers and men employed in the capture of the three schooners; and I have recommended Lieutenant Gordon in a particular manner to the notice of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. I am, &c.

(Signed)H. Neale, Vice-Admiral.”

To Captain Pechell, C.B.

Revenge, Malta, 3d March, 1825.

“Sir,– I have great pleasure in communicating to you a copy of a letter which I have received from the Secretary of the Admiralty, enclosing a copy of one from Mr. Wilmot Horton, expressive of the sense entertained by Earl Bathurst of the judgment, firmness, and promptitude with which you discharged the delicate and important duties entrusted to you in the late discussions with the Greek Government; the Secretary of the Admiralty expressing, at the same time, their Lordships’ concurrence in the sentiments of Earl Bathurst. I am, &c.

(Signed)H. Neale, Vice-Admiral.”

To Captain Pechell, C.B., Sybille.

Admiralty-Office, 8th January, 1825.

“Sir,– Having laid before my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty a letter from Mr. Wilmot Horton, expressing the sense which Earl Bathurst entertains of the judgment, firmness, and promptitude with which Captain Pechell, of his Majesty’s ship Sybille, has discharged ,the delicate atul important duty confided to him in regard to the late discussions with the Greek government; I am commanded by my Lords to transmit to you a copy of the said letter; and I am, at the same time, to express their Lordships’ concurrence in the opinion of his Majesty’s Secretary of State. I am, &c.

(Signed)J. W. Croker.”

Vice-Admiral Sir Harry Neale, Bart. G.C.B.