Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/43

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tained in Captain Schomberg’s public letter respecting the action off Madagascar, the subject of this sketch, on his arrival in England, demanded a court-martial, which the Board of Admiralty did not think proper to grant; and we shall therefore merely state that Captain Losack was continued in the command of the Galatea until the conclusion of the war. A copy of Captain Schomberg’s official despatch will be found at p. 833, et seq. of Vol. II. Part II; and a long account of the action is given by Mr. James, in his Naval History, edit. 2nd, Vol. VI. pp. 22–38.

Captain Losack married, first, March 16, 1809, a Miss Gordon, who died in 1815; and 2dly, Aug. 23, 1823, the widow of Captain Edward L. Crofton, R.N. C.B.

Agent.– A. C. Marsh, Esq.

[Post-Captain of 1806.]

Son of the late Sir Elijah Impey. Made a Lieutenant in 1793, promoted to the rank of Commander in 1802, and posted Jan. 22, 1806.

Agent.– Sir Francis Ommanney.

A Companion of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath.
[Post-Captain of 1806.]

Son of Lieutenant Robert Kerr, R.N. who died at the Royal Hospital, Greenwich, in 1805.

The subject of this memoir entered the naval service as a Midshipman on board the Endymion 44, commanded by Captain (now Lord) Gambler, in Nov. 1781; and served in that ship, the Nemesis, Alarm, and Boreas frigates; Rattler sloop of war, Orion 74, Narcissus 20, and Boyne 98; under Captains Edward Tyrrel Smith, Charles Cotton, Horatio Nelson, James Wallace, Sir Hyde Parker, Philip d’Auvergne, John Salusbury, Paul Minchin, and George Bowyer; on the Lee-