Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp1.djvu/488

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[Post-Captain of 1809.]

Was made a Lieutenant in 1795, and advanced to the rank of Commander, May 7, 1804. In 1808, we find him commanding the Thunder bomb, on the Baltic station.

On the 9th June, Captain Caulfield got under weigh from Malmo road, with seventy homeward-bound merchantmen under his protection, and the Charger, Piercer, and Turbulent gun-brigs in company. At 5-20 P.M., just as the convoy had arrived abreast of the south end of Saltholm, the wind died away, and the Danish gun-boats, always on the alert, came out to the number of 25, and commenced an attack upon the Turbulent, Lieutenant George Wood, whose station was in the rear. As the flotilla approached, the Turbulent opened a fire from her carronades, and the Thunder threw shells and one-pound balls from her mortars; but the Charger and Piercer were at too great a distance to co-operate. At 5-40, the Turbulent’s main-top-mast fell; and she was shortly afterwards boarded.

At 6 o’clock, having secured their prize, the Danes formed on both quarters and astern of the Thunder, and kept up, as they rapidly advanced, a very heavy fire. The British bomb then got her two long 6-pounders out of the stern ports, and returned the fire both from them and from the broadside carronades, as the latter could be brought to bear. At 10-10 P.M. finding they could not induce Captain Caulfield to haul down his colours, the enemy ceased firing, and retired with twelve or thirteen vessels, which they had been enabled to capture. We have no means of showing the loss, if any, sustained by the Thunder; but we find that, for his gallant defence, her commander received the public approbation of Sir James Saumarez, K.B.; and that the merchants at Lloyd’s, connected with the Baltic trade, presented him with 100 guineas to purchase a piece of plate.

After the retreat of the Russian fleet into Rogerswick[1], Captain Caulfield was ordered to bombard that port, which he did