Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/221

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Prince Edward’s, Island, when returning from Quebec to Nova Scotia. In Aug. 1796, wo find him commanding the Telemachus hired cutter, on the Channel station, where he captured la Margueritta and le Requin, French privateers: the former of 4 guns and 48 men; the latter armed with swivels, and carrying 22 men. His promotion to the rank of Commander took place early in 1707. During the latter part of the revolutionary war, he was actively employed in command of the Resource troopship.

Captain Crispo’s last appointment was, about May 1808, to the Little Belt, of 18 guns; in which sloop he sailed for the West Indies, June 22, 1809. His post commission bears date, Oct. 21, 1810.

Agent.– John Copland, Esq.

[Post-Captain of 1810.]

Was made a Lieutenant in 1783; appointed to the Penelope cutter in 1793; and promoted to the rank of Commander in 1797.

On the 21st June, 1798, Captain Keen, then commanding the Chapman hired armed ship, joined a squadron of frigates under the orders of Sir Thomas Williams, employed in cooperation with the King’s troops near Wexford; and was directed by that officer to anchor close in shore, for the purpose of covering the boats of the squadron, which had been sent to block up the entrance of the harbour, the Irish rebels having collected a number of vessels, in order to secure their retreat if hard pressed by the royalists. At the same time. Captain Keen was ordered to land, and endeavour to possess himself of a fort at the entrance; which service he performed with great promptitude and alacrity, compelling 200 rebels to fly, with the loss of their colours and three pieces of cannon: Finding the fort in his possession, the boats immediately pushed up the harbour and secured the enemy’s vessels. General Lake having in the mean time obtained a signal victory over their main body at Vinegar Hill, and a detachment from his army having entered Wexford so opportunely as to prevent that town from being laid in ashes.