Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/251

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the Childera and Rover brigs, in which latter vessel he continued until promoted to post-rank, Oct. 21, 1810.

Captain Nott obtained the out pension of Greenwich Hospital, June 19, 1822.

[Post-Captain of 1810.]

Was made a Lieutenant in Jan. 1797; promoted to the rank of Commander, in Jan. 1802; and afterwards appointed to the Thisbe 28, armed en flute, in which ship Lieutenant General Whitelocke sailed from England, for the purpose of assuming the chief command of H.M. forces in the Rio de la Plata, where he arrived May 10, 1807.

In 1808, Captain Shepheard was appointed to the Brazen, a new sloop, fitting for the Jamaica station, and of which he retained the command until his promotion to post-rank, Oct.

Agents.– Messrs. Chard.

[Post-Captain of 1810.]

Obtained the rank of Commander in April, 1802; and was very actively employed in the Fly sloop of war, during the operations against Buenos Ayres, June and July, 1807. His post-commission bears date Oct. 21, 1810.

[Post-Captain of 1810.]

Youngest son of the late Meredith Evans, Esq. by Mary, daughter of Benjamin Beat, Esq., a gentleman possessed of considerable property at Bridgewater, co. Devon, a staunch adherent of the unfortunate Charles I, and father of Captain Heal, who served as first Lieutenant of the Ludlow Castle frigate, at the siege of Carthagena, in 1741. This officer’s uncle, Evan Evans, Esq., married the first cousin to Miss