Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/314

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his conduct underwent the usual investigation; and the court-martial having declared that no blame was imputable to him, he was immediately afterwards ordered to commission the Primrose, a new brig of 18 guns: the whole of his officers and crew were likewise fully acquitted, except the Master, who was sentenced to be broke, and placed at the disposal of the Port-Admiral.

In the Primrose, Captain Burton was employed on the coasts of Norway and Jutland, until his promotion to post rank Oct. 21, 1810.

At the close of 1811, he received directions to fit out his old ship the Prince of Wales, intended for the flag of Admiral William Young, with whom he proceeded off the Scheldt, and continued till May, 1812.

In the autumn of 1814, Captain Burton took charge of the Nelson a first rate, just launched at Woolwich, and conducted her under jury-masts to Portsmouth, where he found a commission, dated Aug. 25, appointing him to the command of the Aquilon frigate; and from whence he immediately sailed for Gibraltar, with General Don and suite, passengers, and a fleet of merchantmen under his protection.

During the remainder of the war with America, Captain Burton was employed cruising along the coast of Portugal; and on the renewal of hostilities against France, in 1815, we find him serving under Lord Exmouth, on the Mediterranean station, where he continued until the commencement of 1816, when urgent private affairs obliged him to resign his command, and return across the continent to England.

Captain Burton married, Sept. 1814, Catharine Jones Crutchley, grand-daughter of the late Evan Jones, Esq. His eldest brother, Lieutenant John Burton, R.M. was drowned at the Nore, about 1795:– his younger brothers are, George Guy Burton, a Commander of 1814; and William Moulden Burton, Captain R.M. One of his sisters is married to Captain Samuel Warren, C.B.; another is the lady of Lieutenant-Colonel Long, R.M.