Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/332

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stations, until the peace of 1783; when he was placed for his improvement at an academy abroad.

Having completed his education, Mr. Packwood was next received on board the Camilla of 20 guns, commanded by Captain J. Hutt; from which ship he was discharged, in order that he might join his patron, who was then Governor of Dominica, and by whom he was appointed to the command of the colonial brig belonging to that island: in her, we find him present at the reduction of Martinique and Guadaloupe, by the naval and military forces under Sir John Jervis and Sir Charles Grey.

In 1796, Mr. Packwood obtained a Lieutenant’s commission, appointing him to the Perdrix 22, Captain William C. Fahie. He subsequently served in the Matilda 24, Captain Henry Mitford, and the Caesar 80, Captain Sir James Sauraarez, in which latter ship he continued until the peace of Amiens; and consequently bore a part in the battle off Algeziras, July 6, 1801.

Soon after the renewal of hostilities, Lieutenant Packwood was appointed first of the Diomede 50, bearing the flag of Sir James Saumarez, at Guernsey, where he continued until Sir John Orde obtained a foreign command, when he joined the latter officer, as senior Lieutenant of the Glory 98. In the spring of 1805, Mr. Packwood was ordered by his early friend to act as commander of the Wasp sloop; and on his leaving that vessel, her crew presented him with a handsome sword, as a token of their respect and attachment. His promotion to the rank of Commander took place Jan. 22, 1806.

In 1808, Captain Packwood received an appointment to the Childers brig, on the Leith station, where he captured the Frernskernsten Danish privateer, of 4 guns, 2 swivels, and 21 men: this vessel had recently taken a British merchant sloop, which he likewise possessed himself of. His post commission bears date Feb. 14, 1811; since which period he has not been employed.

Agents.– Messrs Goode and Clarke.