Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/334

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manded an armed sloop on the West India station until 1802. His next appointment was to the Fearless gun-brig, in which vessel he had his skull fractured when iu the act of capturing a Danish craft, off Copenhagen: he appears also to have been frequently engaged with the enemy’s flotilla during the siege of that capital, in Aug. and Sept. 1807[1]. His commission as a Commander bears date Oct. 13 following.

Towards the close of 1809, Captain Williams was appointed to the Hound bomb-vessel, and in her he materially contributed to the defence of Cadiz, in 1810 and 1811: his promotion to post rank took place Mar. 4, in the latter year.

Captain Williams died at Okehampton, April 12, 1824; leaving a widow and 8 children, 7 of whom were then under 12 years of age.

[Post-Captain of 1811.]

A Companion of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath; Knight of the Imperial Russian Order of St. Anne; Knight of the Royal Spanish Order of Charles III; and a Commander of the French Legion of Honor.

This officer is the fifth and youngest son of the late Dr. William Fellowes, of Bath, Physician Extraordinary to his present Majesty, when Prince Regent, by the eldest daughter of Peregrine Butler, of Dungarvon, co. Waterford, Esq. He is consequently brother to Sir James Fellowes, Knt. M.D. F.R.S. who received the honor of knighthood from our late monarch, for distinguished services, and was actively employed as inspector of hospitals to the British army, during the peninsular war. His elder brother, William Dorset Fellowes, Esq. Secretary to the Lord Great Chamberlain[2], officiated under Lord Gwydir at the coronation of king George IV. and executed all the details of that solemnity. His eldest sister, on the same occasion, was most graciously selected by his Majesty to lead the royal procession to Westminster Abbey, in the character of Principal Herb Woman.