Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/349

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According to the statement made by the Capitan Bey’s Secretary, the force opposed to the allies consisted of two Turkish 84-gun ships, one of which had no less than 650 men slain; one 76-gun ship, whose killed amounted to 400; fifteen 48-gun frigates, eighteen corvettes, and four brigs:– four Egyptian doubled-banked frigates, of 64 guns each; eight corvettes, of from 18 to 24 guns each; eight brigs, and five fire-vessels:– total, sixty-five sail. Sir Edward Codrington, however, in a general order issued by him to the allied squadrons, four days after the battle, declares that the enemy had “eighty-one men-of-war” of which number only one frigate and fifteen smaller vessels remained “in a state ever to be again put to sea.”

It appears, by a letter from Zante, dated Dec. 14th, 1827, that the harbour of Navarin was reconnoitred by the Pelican sloop on the 17th Nov., at which period there were twenty-nine men of war lying there, viz. “one Turkish ship of the line, and four frigates, much damaged; two frigates fit for service one of the Egyptian razées, in tolerable condition; and five corvettes, eleven brigs, and five schooners in good condition.” A letter from Alexandria, dated Dec. 29th, states, that on the 27th of that month, “four frigates, eight brigs, and four cutters, with several transports,” arrived there; and that “a ship of the line (meaning, we presume, the razée) and two frigates had separated from them in a gale of wind:” there is no mention made by the Capitan Bey’s secretary of any fore-and-aft rigged vessels. The following list will shew the strength of the combined squadrons, and the loss sustained by each ship and vessel composing them:

killed wounded
Asia 74 flag-ship, Captain Edward Curzon,
Commander Robert Lambert Baynes,
19 57
Genoa 74 Captain Walter Bathurst,
Commander Richard Dickinson
26 33
Albion 74 Captain John Ackworth Ommanney,
Com. John Norman Campbell,
10 50
Dartmouth 42 Captain Thomas Fellowes, C.B. 6 8
Cambrian 48 Captain Gawen William Hamilton, C.B. 1 1