Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/398

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rengo 74, Belle Poule and Semillante, frigates, Burceau 22-gun corvette, and Aventurier 16-gun brig; the latter belonging to the colonial government at Batavia, from whence he had sailed purposely to intercept the China fleet, the property on board of which it is said was of the value of more than 11,000,000l. sterling! The East India Company most liberally rewarded the commanders, officers, and seamen of this fleet, for their excellent conduct on the above occasion. To Lieutenant Fowler they presented 300 guineas for the purchase of a piece of plate. The Committee for managing the Patriotic Fund also came forward in a munificent manner. From that Society he received a sword value 50 guineas, with a suitable inscription. Captain Dance was further rewarded with the honor of knighthood, and the most marked expressions of his late Majesty’s approbation[1].

The subject of this memoir arrived at the Admiralty, Aug. 9, 1804; obtained the rank of Commander Feb. 4, 1806, and was appointed to the Crocus brig about Aug. 1808. His post commission bears date April 20, 1811. He married, June 16, 1813, Caroline Matilda, eldest daughter of James Dashwood, of Harley Street, London, Esq. Mrs. Fowler died in 1816.

Agents.– Messrs. Cooke, Halford, and Son.

Governor of the Island of Fernando Po; and a Member of the Astronomical Society[2].
[Post-Captain of 1811.]

Brother to Sir Edward W. C. R. Owen, K.C.B. M.P. &c. &c.

  1. Sir Nathaniel Dance died at Enfield, co. Middlesex, in Mar. 1827, aged nearly 79 years.
  2. We cannot but notice with exultation the number of naval officers who are associated in the meritorious labour of that useful body the Astronomical Society: by subjoining their names, a proof will be afforded that our service combines a prominent scientific rank with its zeal and courage:

    H.R.H. the Lord High Admiral, Sir Edward W. C. R. Owen*; Captains William D’Urban, William Henry Shirreff, Francis Beaufort*, William F. Owen, Basil Hall, John Ross, Armar Lowry Corry, William Ed-

* Members of the Council.