Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/40

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In Mar. 1814, Captain Forrest was removed to the Sybille frigate; and since the peace he has commanded the Ister of 42 guns, on the Mediterranean station; and Isis 50, bearing the flag of Sir Lawrence W. Halsted, at Jamaica. He obtained the insignia of a C.B. in 1815.

Agent.– Sir Francis M. Ommanney.

[Post-Captain of 1809.]

Commanded the Netley schooner, at Antigua, in June, 1805; and was a Lieutenant of the Northumberland 74, in Sir John T. Duckworth’s action, off St. Domingo, Feb. 6, 1806. He obtained the rank of Commander, April 2, 1806; was appointed to the Delphinen brig, of 18 guns, about April 1808; and had the misfortune to lose that vessel, near the coast of Holland, on the 4th Aug. following.

Captain Harward’s next appointment was to the Parthian of 10 guns, in which sloop he captured la Nouvelle Gironde, a celebrated privateer belonging to Bourdeaux, mounting 4 twelve and 10 four-pounders, with a complement of 86 men, but only 58 on board, the remainder being absent in prizes. This scourge to the trade was taken after a chace, in light winds, of 36 hours, during which period, the Parthian’s officers and crew were almost constantly at the sweeps.

This officer was made post July 31, 1809; and we subsequently find him commanding the flagships of his father-in-law, Sir Edward Pellew, now Viscount Exmouth, on the North Sea and Mediterranean stations.

[Post-Captain of 1809.]

Was born at Falmouth, co. Cornwall, July 1, 1768. His name appears on the books of the Hebe frigate. Captain Edward Thornbrough, in 1781 and the two following years. We subsequently find him serving as Midshipman, Master’s-