Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/433

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not therefore think me presuming too far, when I solicit your influence in his favor.”

The excellent young officer, thus highly eulogised, died a subaltern! Captain Campbell’s youngest brother, Duncan, was made a Lieutenant July 10, 1826, and he at present commands the Monkey schooner, on the West India station.

Agent.– Sir F. M. Ommanney.

[Post-Captain of 1811.]

This officer is descended from Sir Harry Hart, who was a knight of the bath about 1650. That branch of the family to which he belongs formerly resided in Kent, but his father, the late Richard Hart, Esq. was settled at Uckfield, co. Sussex, and married Miss Blackman, whose sister, we believe, was the lady of the late Sir Thomas Miller, of Froyle, near Alton, in Hampshire, Bart.

Mr. Henry Hart entered the navy in 1796 as a midshipman on board the Indefatigable frigate, Captain Sir Edward Pellew, with whom he continued until the peace of Amiens[1], when he joined the Foudroyant 80, bearing the flag of Lord Keith, on the Mediterranean station. From that ship he was promoted into the Medusa frigate, June 1802.

It is unnecessary, in this place, to recapitulate the services in which Mr. Hart participated, while serving under the command of Sir Edward Pellew: the manner in which the Medusa was employed will be seen by reference to an enlarged memoir of Vice-Admiral Sir John Gore, at the end of Supp. Part II.

On the arrival of the Medusa at Madras, Lieutenant Hart met there the sincere and valuable friend under whose auspices he had first become a sailor, and who was then commander-in-chief on the East India station. By that officer he was immediately received on board the Culloden 74, as flag-lieutenant; and afterwards successively appointed acting-captain of the Duncan, Caroline, and Fox frigates.