Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/488

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days entertained by the celebrated Ali Pacha, during which time business of much importance was transacted. In Aug. 1817, being then off Leghorn, with his flag on board the Albion 74, Sir Charles was honored with a visit by a party of distinguished individuals, amongst whom were Leopoldina Carolina, the present Empress of Brazil, who had recently been married by proxy; Maria Louisa, widow of Napoleon Buonaparte; several others of the Austrian Arch-Duchesses; Leopold II. Grand Duke of Tuscany; Leopold Count of Syracuse; Prince Metternich, the great diplomatist; General Count de Neipperg; and the Portuguese Admiral Souza.

On the 27th April, 1818, the Order of St. Michael and St. George was instituted for the Ionian Islands, and for the ancient sovereignty of Malta and its dependencies. By the rules of that Order, the naval commander-in-chief in the Mediterranean is to be first and principal Knight Grand Cross thereof, but only for the time that he holds his professional appointment. Sir Charles Penrose, however, is specially authorised to bear the title and wear the insignia for life, in consequence of his long services on that station, and his having been there at the institution of the Order. We believe that the late Lord Guildford and himself were the only persons to whom that privilege was allowed.

The merchants at Malta subsequently presented Sir Charles Penrose with a service of plate, as a token of their respect and esteem: the captains and commanders under his orders likewise requested his acceptance of a splendid silver salver, with a flattering inscription, expressive of their high respect for his public and private character. He returned home in the spring of 1819; and was advanced to the rank of Vice-Admiral, July 19, 1821.

Sir Charles V. Penrose married, in 1787, Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. J. Trevener, and by that lady he had three daughters, the eldest of whom married Captain John Coode, C.B.; and the second, Captain William Mainwaring, of the 10th regiment of foot, brother to Sir Henry M. Mainwaring, Bart.