Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/500

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On her return to port, the Triton was taken into dock, and Captain Gore felt himself under the necessity of requesting leave of absence. This, the Admiralty would not grant; but, upon his reporting himself ready for service again, he was immediately appointed to the Medusa, a 32-gun frigate, mounting 18-pounders on the main-deck, recently launched at Woolwich. Whilst in the Triton, he captured the following French armed vessels:–

La Jeune Emelie[1], brig p
16 guns, 90 men, Feb. 11, 1797.
Le Recovery[1] cutter 16 46
Le Difficile ship 18 206 12,
La Furet[1] schooner 4 50 Oct. 14,
La Helene brig 16 160
Name unknown ship 20 200 1798.
L’Arraigne schooner 5 38 Sep. 28, 1798.
La Rosée[1] brig 14 70 Dec.
L’Impromptu brig 14 64
L’Aimable Victor brig 18 87 Jan. 30, 1799.
Le St. Jacques national lugger, 6 30 Sept. 13,
La Videtta brig 14 90 Feb. 10, 1800.

Captain Gore likewise destroyed la Bayonaise, a ship of 20 guns and 200 men, and le Petit Diable cutter of 12 guns and 60 men. He also chased a cutter privateer, of 16 guns, under the butteries at Guernsey, where she was brought-to and captured by the garrison of that island, Jan. 29, 1799.

During the summer of 1801, government received intelligence that the invasion of Great Britain by France might be certainly expected. Every preparation was immediately made, with that energy and deliberate resolution which have always marked our national character; and the. general wish of the nation, that Lord Nelson should be the guardian of that part of its southern coast, where it was expected the enemy would make the attempt, was gratified by his lordship being appointed commander-in-chief of all the naval force employed on both shores, from Orfordness to Beachy Head, inclusive. Captain Gore had been previously ordered to assume the command of a light squadron employed in watching Boulogne, and the Medusa was now selected to bear the flag of Nelson.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Taken by the Triton, in company with other British cruisers.