Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/507

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late garrison, 10,000 strong, embarked in English transports; and on the 28th Sir John Gore took his departure for Minorca, from whence he returned to Spithead, on the 16th Aug. following. We are informed that an order was sent out for him to be left in command of the squadron, on the peace establishment, in the Mediterranean, but that he had sailed for England, in company with Lord Exmouth, before the arrival of the messenger to whom that despatch was entrusted.

Sir John Gore was nominated a K.C.B. Jan. 2, 1815; and appointed Commander-in-chief in the river Medway, at the buoy of the Nore, and from Dungeness to the river Tweed, Mar. 23, 1818. His flag continued flying on board the Bulwark 76, till the end of June 1821. Since the battle of Navarin he has been to the Mediterranean on a mission from H.R.H. the Lord High Admiral. His commission as a Vice-Admiral bears date May 27, 1825.

This officer married, Aug. 15, 1808, Georgiana, eldest daughter of Admiral Sir George Montagu, G.C.B. by whom he has had one son and six daughters.

Residence.– Datchett, near Windsor.

W. Pople, Printer,
67, Chancery Lane.