Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/58

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He was born July 26, 1778; and entered the navy, as a midshipman on board the Barfleur 98, bearing the flag of his early and constant patron, the late Earl St. Vincent, in Aug. 1790. We subsequently find him serving under Captains James Kinneer and John Thomas Duckworth, in the Daphne of 20 guns, and Orion 74; the latter ship forming part of Earl Howe’s fleet, on the memorable 1st of June, 1794.

At the commencement of the ensuing year, Mr. Andrews removed with Captain Duckworth into the Leviathan, a third-rate, then about to sail for Jamaica, under the orders of Rear-Admiral William Parker. In her he was present at the unsuccessful attack upon Leogane, St. Domingo, March 22, 1796[1]. His commissions bear date as follow:– Lieutenant, Mar. 1797; Commander, April 29, 1802; and Post-Captain, Sept. 22, 1809.

Captain Andrews has a family of four sons and three daughters. One of his sisters was married to the late Henry Redhead Yorke, Esq. barrister-at-law ; another is the wife of Mr. Highmore, an eminent surgeon, practising at Sherborne, in Dorsetshire.

[Post-Captain of 1809.]

Was made a Lieutenant in 1794, and served as second of the Leviathan, a third rate, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore Duckworth, at the capture of Minorca, Nov. 15, 1798[2]. The following is an extract of that officer’s public letter to Earl St. Vincent, reporting the surrender of the island:

“There is high merit due to Lieutenant William Buchanan, whom I landed as second in command under Captain (James) Bowen, with more than 250 seamen: there were likewise the Leviathan’s and Centaur’s marines with the army, to the number of 100; but other essential service calling Captain Bowen on board his ship, the command of the seamen devolved on Lieutenant Buchanan, and, as will appear by the strongest accompanying testimony given him from the commander-in-chief of the troops, he performed the services with the army with the greatest ability and exertion.”