Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/85

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the Aurora of 46 guns, which frigate he at present commands on the Jamaica station. The subject of this sketch has been twice married; 1st, in 1807, to a Miss Palmer, by whom he had three daughters; 2dly, in 1820, to a lady of the same maiden name, by whom he has one son.

Agent.– J. Woodhead, Esq.

Magistrate for the Isle of Ely.
[Post-Captain of 1810.]

This officer is the second son, and eldest surviving child, of the late Spelman Swaine, Esq. of Leverington, near Wisbeach, co. Cambridge (at which place the family have resided for several centuries), by Dorothy, daughter of Walter Robertson, of Lynn Regis, in Norfolk, Esq. The Swaines are related, by intermarriage, to the descendants of Sir Henry Spelman.

Mr. Swaine, the subject of this memoir, was born at Lynn Regis, Jan. 1, 1760; and he appears to have first embarked as a midshipman on board the Crocodile 24, commanded by Captain Albemarle Bertie, in April 1782. We afterwards find him serving under the same officer in the Recovery 32, which frigate was attached to Lord Howe’s fleet at the relief of Gibraltar, and repeated his signals during the subsequent partial action off Cape Spartel.

The Recovery being paid off at the end of the American war, Mr. Swaine soon afterwards joined the Carnatic 74, Captain Anthony ;. P. Molloy, with whom he served until that ship also was put out of commission.

Early in 1785, having obtained an introductory letter from Lord Howe to Captain (now Sir William) Domett, Mr. Swaine was received on board the Champion 24, commanded by the latter officer, and then fitting at Woolwich. In that ship he served on the Leith station till the Dutch armament, 1787.

At this period. Captain Domett was superseded, in consequence of his being nominated to the command of the London, a second rate, intended to bear the flag of Vice-Admiral