Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp3.djvu/100

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executing the admirable plan of their commander, had possession of Rasal-Khyma by 10 o’clock, driving the enemy to the opposite shore; the gun-boats kept up a fire of grape on the sea-side as the soldiers advanced. Before 4 o’clock, all the enemy’s vessels were in flames, together with the naval store-houses in the town.

“I received the most effectual assistance from Captain Charles Gordon of the Caroline, who was with me at he landing, and from all the officers and men of his Majesty’s ships; also from the respective commanders of the Hon. Company’s cruisers attached to the armament, and their officers and men. The marines of the Chiffonne and Caroline were disembarked with the army.

“By the accompanying return, your Excellency will have pleasure in observing, that the loss of men on our side is trifling[1]: that of the enemy has been very severe. I have the satisfaction to say, that the most perfect cordiality subsists between the army and navy, such as promises to ensure complete success in all the subsequent operations.

“The troops began to embark at day-light this morning, and, notwithstanding the great want of boats, were all on board the transports before noon.”


“I take the liberty of observing to your Excellency, that nothing but the fear of exciting jealousy among so many officers as were employed at the attack of Ras-al-Khyma, prevented me from noticing in my public letter of this date, the high opinion I entertain of Lieutenant Samuel Leslie, first of this ship; and conscious that I should not do him justice were I not to explain this circumstance, I hope your Excellency will excuse my entering into detail respecting him. It was this officer who commanded the boats which destroyed the Minerva, where the greatest loss of men was sustained. He was most active in the cannonade on the 12th instant. He executed the feint with excellent judgment and gallantry on the following day. During the real attack by the troops he was very useful with the gun-boats of this ship. In the afternoon, he set fire to all the dows which were afloat in the harbour of Ras-al-Khyma, and he essentially assisted me in the re-embarkation of the troops. I have in three years and a half had ample experience of Lieutenant Leslie’s intelligence and courage; and as I know he was recommended for promotion, I trust your Excellency will excuse my writing so fully respecting an officer, who will, I pledge my character, do honor to his profession. I remain, with the highest respect, your Excellency’s obliged and faithful servant,

(Signed)Jno. Wainwright.”

Lieutenant Leslie had scarcely shoved off from the Minerva, after setting her on fire, before she blew up. Several small

  1. 2 killed, 1 mortally, 5 severely, and 4 slightly wounded. N.B. This abstract of casualties applies to the squadron only.