Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp3.djvu/250

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Hickey had made a point of proceeding to New York, for the purpose of awaiting its issue. The evidence was altogether in his favor: it was clearly proved that the prosecutor had persisted in running away from the Atalante, until she got close up to his vessel, and that the accident was the result of his own folly in attempting to cross her bows while she still had considerahle head-way. Emmet, the Irish refugee, conducted the prosecution; sophistry and national prejudice overcame truth; the defendant was sentenced to pay 38,000 dollars; and – the plaintiff, after very little consideration, consented to accept exactly one-half of the sum for which the original writ was issued. The schooner and her cargo could not have been worth much more than 1000l. sterling. We are happy to state that the Admiralty, admitting the hardship of his case, most liberally and expeditiously released him from all embarrassments by recommending the Lords of the Treasury to reimburse him out of the droits of Admiralty, which was accomplished by the time his bills on England became due.

Agent.– J. Hinxman, Esq.

[Post-Captain of 1814.]

Was first lieutenant of the Blanche frigate, mounting 46 guns, at the capture of le Guerriere, July 19, 1806. The following is a copy of the official letter published on that occasion:–

H.M.S. Blanche, July 26, 1806.

“My Lord,– I have the honor to acquaint you of my return to Yarmouth roads, having in company le Guerriere French frigate, commanded by Mons. Hubert, member of the legion of honor, whom I captured on the 19th instant, in lat. 62° N. off the Ferroe islands, after a sharp contest of 45 minutes.

“Le Guerriere is of the largest class of frigates, mounting 50 guns, with a complement of 317 men; but these were soon sadly reduced by our destructive fire; and the ship has also suffered very severely, while the damages of the Blanche; are confined to the top-masts, rigging, and sails.

“It now becomes a pleasing duty to beg you to recommend Lieutenant Henry Thomas Davies to their lordships’ notice, and to speak in terms of respect of his general good conduct, as also of Lieutenants Bastin and