Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/233

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“We hope your services will be duly appreciated on your return to the mother country; and with a tender of our sincere wishes for your health and prosperity, we remain, with the highest respect, &c. &c. &c."

Signed by George Kinghorn, Mayor, and the
principals of forty-nine commercial firms.

The Pique, on her passage home, encountered a dreadful hurricane, and nearly foundered: she was paid off at Deptford, in Dec. 1818; since which Captain Mackellar has twice visited the continent. He is married, and has three daughters. His only brother, Colonel Neil Mackellar, C.B. was Aid-de-Camp to Sir Adam Williamson, in all the battles at St. Domingo; served at the reduction of the Danish islands, by Sir John T. Duckworth; and commanded a brigade during the late war in India, where he at present commands the 2d battalion of the Royal Scots, in which corps he has served ever since the commencement of his military career in 1788.

Agent.– ___ Mc. Inerheny, Esq.

[Post-Captain of 1798.]

This officer was made a Lieutenant, Sept. 30, 1783; served as such on board the Queen of 98 guns, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Gardner, in the memorable battle of June 1, 1794; and was appointed to the command of the Hector bomb, early in 1798. This vessel formed part of Sir Home Popham’s squadron at Ostend, in the spring of the same year. He afterwards commanded the Sphynx, Isis, Windsor Castle, and Leander, the three latter bearing the flag of the late Sir Andrew Mitchell, with whom he served at the capture of the Helder, in Aug. 1799, off Brest, and on the Halifax station. His post commission bears date May 15, 1799.

Agent.– ___ Mc. Inerheny, Esq.

[Post-Captain of 1798.]

This officer was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, Mar. 15, 1782; commanded the Incendiary fire-vessel, and assisted at the destruction of a French store-ship off Ushant,