Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/299

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thanks to Almighty God, we had but 3 men killed, and 15 badly wounded. I rest firmly assured that Sir E. Pellew has done ample justice to my conduct in his representation of the engagement to their Lordships; and I humbly hope no blemish will attach to my character, for a misfortune occasioned by an impatient ardour to signalise British valour opposed to superior force. I have the honor, to be, &c.

(Signed)R. C. Reynolds.”

A circumstance occurred in the course of the action with les Droits de l’Homme, which we notice for the purpose of shewing our non-military readers what effect even the wind of a shot is capable of producing. Lieutenant Littlehales was knocked down senseless when standing near Captain Reynolds, who lifted him from the deck, and ordered some of the men to take him below; by the time they had reached the foot of the quarter-deck ladder, however, he recovered his senses, and forthwith returned to his post; but his chest and the upper part of his arms were black and blue for several weeks afterwards.

After the ship struck the ground, Mr. Littlehales, as first Lieutenant, was too much occupied to think of his wardrobe and other private pi operty; and his servant being one of those who were drowned in the boat, he lost every article thereof. On the 29th Sept. in the same year, Captain Reynolds and his officers having previously been exchanged, a Court-Martial was assembled at Plymouth to enquire into the circumstances attending the loss of the Amazon, and to try her late commander, officers, &c. &c. for their conduct on that occasion. The Court declared as their unanimous opinion, that the Amazon was unavoidably lost in consequence of her being so far in shore at the close of a welldisputed action with les Droits de l’Homme, during which she had suffered materially in her masts and rigging; that too much praise could not be awarded to Captain Reynolds, his officers and crew, by whom, in conjunction with the Indefatigable, an enemy’s line-of-battle ship was destroyed; and that the loss of the Amazon was the result of a noble pursuit of an enemy of superior force on her own coast. Captain Reynolds, his officers, &c. &c. were therefore most honorably and fully acquitted of all blame, and with every sentiment of the Court’s highest approbation.

Lieutenant Littlehales was made a Commander immedi-