Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/312

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quarter-deck of the Royal Sovereign, when some of his officers requested him not to expose himself so much to the enemy’s small-arm men, by wearing his epaulets and a gold laced hat. ‘Let me alone,’ he replied, ‘I have always fought in a cocked hat, and always will.’”

Captain Rotheram bore the banner of Nelson as a K.B. at the funeral of that great chieftain; and was himself nominated a C.B. in 1815.

Agent.– William Marsh, Esq.

A Companion of the most Honorable Military Order of the Bath; and Commodore of the Squadron employed in the East Indies.
[Post-Captain of 1800.]

This officer was made a Lieutenant in 1790; subsequently commanded the Tisiphone sloop of war on the West India station; and returned from thence in the Quebec of 32 guns, July 11, 1802. His post commission bears date Sept. 6, 1800.

Captain Grant’s next appointments were, we believe, to the Diadem 64; and Diana, a 38-gun frigate. In the latter, he conveyed Sir W. Sidney Smith from Rio Janeiro to Portsmouth, where he arrived Aug. 7, 1809.

In Oct. 1809, the Diana, having under her orders the Niobe of similar force, was employed watching the port of Havre, where the enemy had two new 40-gun frigates, waiting an opportunity to escape to sea. On the 13th of the following month, the French ships having slipt out during a N.E. gale, were discovered and obliged to take shelter under the batteries of Marcou. In the course of the same day, Captain Grant and his consort being driven by the tide to the northward of Cape Barfleur, the enemy made a push for, and succeeded in reaching the anchorage near la Hogue. On the following morning the Niobe was sent to inform the senior officer off Cherbourgh, how the Frenchmen were situated; and Captain Grant had soon after the satisfaction to see one of them run ashore. The next day the other perceiving that she was about to be attacked by the Diana, weighed and took up a position between the batteries of la Hogue and Tatilion. Captain Grant, notwithstanding the formidable force opposed