Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/462

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On the 5th April 1802, Captain Katon removed into the Trent frigate, in which ship he returned home about May 1803. Being then put out of commission, he remained on half pay till Jan. 1809, when he was appointed acting Captain of the Mars 74, and during the ensuing fifteen months employed in arduous service on the Baltic and North Sea stations. The following letter contains an acknowledgment of his exertions for the protection of the East country trade:

Ruby, off Sproe, Nov. 14, 1809.

“Sir, Having received a letter from the Secretary of the Admiralty, expressive of the approbation of the Lords Commissioners at the zeal which has been manifested by the Captains of the squadron under my orders for the protection of the trade, as likewise the active conduct of the officers and crews of the respective ships, I have the honor to acquaint you therewith, and request you will make the same known to the officers and crew of his Majesty’s ship under your command. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)Manley Dixon, Rear-Admiral.”

To James Katon, Esq. Captain H.M.S. Mars.

In April, 1811, the subject of this memoir was appointed to command the Niobe frigate, during the indisposition of Captain Loring; and on the llth of the following month he sailed for the coasts of Spitzbergen and Greenland, to protect the whale fishery; on his return from which service, in the ensuing autumn, he was superseded and placed on half pay.

Captain Katon married, in Feb. 1804, Adeliza Arabella, second daughter of George Moubray, Esq. of Cockairny, in Fifeshire, by whom he has one son, now a student at the Royal Naval College, and five daughters[1]. Two of his brothers were officers of the marines, and fell victims to the yellow fever in the West Indies. Another brother died a Captain of that corps, and Barrack-Master of the Portsmouth division. His eldest sister is the lady of Captain Henry Vaughan, R.N.

Agent.– Thomas Stilwell, Esq.

[Post-Captain of 1801.]

This officer was born at Vallon Wood, in Somersetshire, where the family of which he is a member have resided up-

  1. Mrs. Katon is a sister of Captain George Moubray, R.N., and a first cousin of Rear-Admiral Moubray.