Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/492

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bringing this business to a successful issue, the officers and meu have exerted themselves to the utmost. We have received no assistance but from a few Montenegrins; ve have had to trust to our own resources alone, and we have found them in the zeal and perseverance which has actuated all parties. From the exertions of Captain Harper and Lieutenant Milbourne, two 18-pounders and two mortars were got up the range of mountains before Cattaro, to the astonishment of friends and foes; and what was deemed impracticable by the French General, was completed in ten days. The zeal and activity of Captain Harper are well known to you, Sir; and I assure you, in no instance have they been more conspicuous than on the present occasion he is a most invaluable officer. It is my duty to mention the meritorious conduct of Lieutenants Milbourne and Rees, (acting) of the Bacchante; Lieutenant Hancock, of the Saracen; Mr. Vale, Master of ditto; Lieutenant Haig, R.M.; and Mr. Charles Bruce, Midshipman of the Bacchante; and the whole of the officers and men of both ships, have tried to excel each other on this occasion. The torrents of rain, and the fatigues and privations attending an attack of a fortress like Cattaro, at this season of the year, have been borne with a cheerfulness that entitled them to every praise. I cannot conclude this without acknowledging in the warmest terms the active assistance I have received from Captain Angelo, of Lieutenant-General Campbell’s staff, who was waiting in the Bacchante for a passage to Zante. His zeal and ability have supplied many deficiencies on our part, and considerably tended to the speedy reduction of the place. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)W. Hoste.”

Rear-Admiral Freemantle.

Bacchante, before Ragusa, Jan. 29, 1814.

“Sir,– My letters of the 6th inst. will have acquainted you of the capture of Cattaro, and of my intention to attack this place as soon as the artillery and stores necessary for the siege were embarked from that fortress, On my arrival here on the 19th, I found the place invested by the Austrian General Milutinovitch, with two Croat battalions, but not a single piece of artillery had arrived. Four mortars and two guns were immediately landed from the Bacchante, and opened on the works of the town, and fort Lorenzo, the morning of the 22d. The enemy returned a heavy fire from all his batteries. The approach to Ragusa is extremely difficult, by the commanding situation of Fort Imperial and the island of Croma; and it became an object of importance to secure this latter post before we could advance our batteries; two 18-pounders were therefore landed, and by the great exertions of the officers and seamen under Lieutenant Milbourne, one gun yas brought round the mountains at the back of Ragusa, a distance full six miles, and placed immediately opposite the island, which it completely commanded.

“The French General, however, on the morning of the 27th, sent out a truce to request our batteries would cease, and a capitulation was commenced and signed on the 28th, for the surrender of the town and its de -