Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/495

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Motherbank, in company with eight other store-ships and transports, having on board the first party of convicts ever sent from Europe to New South Wales, where they arrived under convoy of the Sirius frigate, and Supply armed tender, Jan. 20, 1788[1] .

After remaining about five months at the new settlement, Mr. Shortland, senior, was ordered to England by way of Batavia, and charged with the Governor’s official despatches relative to the infant colony. It is due to departed merit to state, that his services in New South Wales were of a very active nature; and some of the charts, &c. given in “Philip’s Voyage” are from surveys which he made. In that work will be found a portrait and biographical notice of him; a

  1. The principal officers employed on this interesting expedition were Commodore Arthur Philip; Captain John Hunter; Lieutenants Henry Lidgbird Ball, and John Shortland; the former commanding the Supply, the latter Agent to the transports; and Major Ross, of the marines.

    The 7th Feb. 1788, was the memorable day which established a regular form of government on the coast of New South Wales. For obvious reasons, all possible solemnity was given to the proceeding necessary on this occasion. On a space previously cleared, the whole colony was assembled; the military drawn up and under arms; the convicts stationed apart; and near the person of the Governor those who were to hold the principal offices under him. The royal commission was then read by Mr. D. Collins, the Judge-Advocate. By this instrument, Arthur Philip, Esq. was constituted and appointed Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief in and over the territory called New South Wales, extending from Cape York to the southern extremity of Van Diemen’s Land, and of all the country inland to the westward, as far as the 135th degree of East longitude, reckoning from the meridian of Greenwich, including all the islands adjacent in the Pacific Ocean, between the latitudes of 10° 37' and 43° 39' S. The act of Parliament establishing the courts of judicature were next read; and lastly, the patents under the great seal, empowering the proper persons to convene and hold those courts whenever the exigency should require. The office of Lieutenant-Governor was conferred on Major Ross. A triple discharge of musketry concluded this part of the ceremony; after which Governor Philip returned his thanks to the soldiers for their steady good conduct on every occasion; and then addressed the convicts in a speech which was received with universal acclamations. The assembly now dispersed, and the Governor proceeded to review the military on a piece of ground cleared away for the purpose of a parade. He then .gave his officers a dinner; and the first evening of his government was concluded propitiously, in good order and innocent festivity, amidst the repetition of wishes for its prosperity.