Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v2p1.djvu/92

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sequence of Captain Cunningham’s duplicate account of the action having reached the Board before that forwarded by his Lordship:–

Queen Charlotte, Torbay, Aug. 29, 1799.

“Sir.– I have the honor to enclose for their Lordships’ information, a letter from Captain Cunningham, of H.M.S. Clyde, containing an account of one of the most brilliant transactions which have occurred during the course of the war; he having with great gallantry pursued two French frigates; one of which he has captured, and driven the other into port. I have the honor to be, &c. &c. &c.


To Evan Nepean, Esq.

His late Majesty was at one of the theatres[errata 1] when an account of the above event was brought to him. He immediately stood up in his box, and commanded the news to be communicated to the audience; when “Rule Britannia” was loudly called for from every part of the house, and performed with reiterated applause.

During the summer of 1800, the Clyde was employed conveying a Mr. Serres along the French and Spanish coasts, to take drawings of all the headlands, harbours, &c. between Brest and Corunna. That service being performed, she again joined the Channel fleet, then under the orders of Earl St. Vincent.

In May, 1801, Captain Cunningham received secret orders from the Admiralty to assume the command of a strong squadron of frigates, sloops, gun-brigs, cutters, &c. stationed from Havre de Grace to the Isle of Bas, for the protection of Guernsey, Jersey, and the adjacent islands, which were at that time threatened with invasion.

Shortly after this appointment, the Jason frigate, forming part of his squadron, was wrecked off St. Maloes; upon learning which Captain Cunningham sent in a flag of truce, and succeeded in obtaining the governor’s permission for her commander, the Hon. I. Murray, his officers and crew, to be exchanged; which was granted on condition that they should be sent to Portsmouth in French cartels. Finding that the enemy were preparing to raise the Jason, he directed Lieutenant Mounsey to proceed with the boats of the squadron and attempt her destruction by fire; which was effectually performed in the presence

  1. Correction: at one of the theatres should be amended to at the Weymouth theatre