Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p1.djvu/226

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pleted than Captain Grace received orders to join the squadron on the Mediterranean station, where he arrived just in time to form part of the force under Vice-Admiral Sir Harry Neale, in line-of-battle before Algiers; a demonstration which led to an amicable termination of the dispute then existing between Great Britain and the Dey.

Captain Grace subsequently visited Tunis, and proceeded from thence to the Piraeus of Athens, where he became senior officer of the squadron employed in the Levant, for the protection of British commerce; which responsible charge he held from Nov. 6th, 1824, until relieved in the following year by Captain G. W. Hamilton. During this period, he visited many of the Cyclades, and the ports of Smyrna, Marmorice, and Alexandria. He obtained his present rank, Feb. 1st, 1825; and paid off the Cyrené, at Deptford, on the 20th of August following.

This officer’s eldest brother succeeded to the baronetcy, of which we have spoken in page 201, on the demise of his kinsman. Sir Richard Gamon, M.P., April 8th, 1818.

Agents.– Messrs. Evans and Eyton.

[Post-Captain of 1824.]

Served as midshipman on board the Liffey 50, Captain the Hon. Henry Duncan, C.B.; from which ship he was made lieutenant into the Glasgow 50, Captain the Hon. Anthony Maitland, C.B., Dec. 7th, 1819. His subsequent appointments were, – Oct. 20th, 1821, to the Euryalus 42, Captain (now Sir Augustus J. W.) Clifford, C.B.; – May 16th, 1823, to command the Rose sloop, on the Mediterranean station; – Feb. 9th, 1825, to be captain of the Dartmouth 42, employed in the West Indies; – and, Dec. 20th, 1826, to the Sapphire 28, fitting out for a particular service; in which latter ship he returned home from the Pacific Ocean, Nov. 1st, 1830.

Agents.– Messrs. Maude and Co.