Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p1.djvu/257

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attack made by these four frigates upon a French squadron, under Mons. Duperré, whom Captain Willoughby had decoyed into Grande Port, by means of the enemy’s own signals, has been officially described at pp. 164–166 of Suppl. Part. II. The particular share borne by the Iphigenia in this battle is more fully shewn at pp. 169, 170, and 172 of the same volume. Her loss consisted of five men killed and thirteen, including her first lieutenant[1], severely wounded. It is now our province to narrate the subsequent gallant conduct and laborious exertions of Captain Lambert, his officers and crew.

After driving two of the enemy’s ships[2] on shore, and silencing the battery de la Reine, Captain Lambert sent a boat to the Sirius for orders, and was directed to warp out of gun-shot. This he commenced doing by the stern, with the stream and kedge-anchors, at the same time sending the end of his best-bower cable on board the Magicienne, for her to endeavour to heave off by. the Iphigenia had previously received a supply of 18-pound shot from the Sirius, having fired away all her own while gallantly supporting la Néreide.

At day-light (Aug. 24), when the whole of the enemy’s ships were discovered “on shore in a heap” and la Néreide lying “a perfect wreck” Captain Lambert having warped the Iphigenia into the channel by which Captain Willoughby had entered, considered that he had a noble opportunity of retrieving the misfortunes of the battle, by running down, and placing his frigate close under the sterns of the Frenchmen. Lieutenant Chads, with a message to this effect, and a proposal to take on board a portion of the crews of the Sirius and Magicienne, went immediately to Captain Pym; who returned for answer that Captain Lambert must continue warping out, as he and his officers had still hopes of getting the Sirius afloat. The enemy having then recommenced filing, and some of his shot reaching the Iphigenia, Captain Lambert next sent Lieutenant Edward Grimes, to say that he should be obliged to renew the action in his own defence,

  1. Now Commander Robert Tom Blackler.
  2. La Minerve frigate and the Ceylon Indiaman.