Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p1.djvu/411

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met with a senior officer since the Arachne’s arrival in India. On the 24th of the same month, Captain Coe, then at Trincomalee, acknowledged the receipt of his various despatches, and thanked him for his “zeal, activity, and officer-like conduct, evinced in the various successful attacks on the enemy, by the combined naval and military force employed in the river Rangoon.” Captain Coe also requested him to convey to Captain Ryves, the officers, &c. &c. &c. of the Arachne and Sophie, the high opinion he entertained of the bravery and coolness displayed by them, in the many opportunities they had had of distinguishing themselves in action with the enemy. “My warmest acknowledgments,” said he, “are due to Captain Ryves, acting Lieutenant Goldfinch, and Mr. Winsor, with Lieutenant Kellett of the sloop you command, whose name ranks foremost amongst those who have distinguished themselves; and I beg to add, that the services of those officers, as well as all employed, shall be laid before the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.” In another letter, dated March 29th, Captain Coe says, “I have to acknowledge the receipt of your communications of the 14th and 17th January last, and feel much gratified by the continued and successful exertions of the officers, seamen, and marines under your command, to whom I am again to request you will convey my warmest thanks, more particularly to Lieutenant Charles Keele, of the Arachne, and Mr. Scott, of the Sophie, whose gallant exertions in the cause of humanity, shall be represented to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, to whose attention I have before had the honor of submitting various despatches relative to the gallantry of the squadron employed at Rangoon.”