Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/165

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captains of 1830.

and Lieutenant Eliot continued in her until Jan. 1812, between which period and Dec. 1813, he served in the Pylades sloop, successively commanded hy Captains George Ferguson and James Wemyss, on the Mediterranean station; and Cornwall 74, under Captain John Broughton and his successor, Commodore (now Sir Edward) Owen, employed in the Channel and off Flushing. His subsequent appointments were, – July 13th, 1814, to the Scylla sloop, Captain George B. Allen, under whom he served on the Channel station until Jan. 1815, when he was ordered a passage in the Phoenix frigate. Captain C. J. Austen, to join Lord Exmouth, on promotion; – In May following, to the Boyne 98, bearing his lordship’s flag; – Dec. 31st following, to the flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Penrose, who had then resumed the chief command on the Mediterranean station; from whence Lieutenant Eliot was obliged to return home, for the recovery of his health, in Nov. 1816; – and, July 29th, 1818, to the Creole frigate, fitting out at Sheerness for the broad pendant of Commodore Bowles, on the South American station; where he was promoted, Sept. 2d, 1819, to the command of the Icarus sloop.

On the 26th May 1821, Commander Eliot arrived at Portsmouth from Rio Janeiro; and early in the following month was put out of commission. In 1823, he married Jane, only daughter of that distinguished scholar the Rev. Dr. Alexander Crombie, LL.D., F.R.S., &c. &c. by which lady he has one child, a son, born in Feb. 1824. His promotion to the rank of captain took place July 22d, 1830.

Agents.– Messrs. Maude & Co.

[Captain of 1830.]

We first find this officer acting as second lieutenant of the Wasp sloop. Captain John Simpson; the remarkable escape of which vessel, from the celebrated Rochefort squadron, in Aug. 1805, has been recorded in p. 55 of Suppl. Part II. His appointment appears to have been confirmed by the Admiralty