Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/167

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captains of 1830.

Sir Graham Moore, until promoted to the rank of commander, Jan. 29th, 1821; – and lastly, Aug. 28th, 1828, to be second captain of the Prince Regent 120, Sir Henry Blackwood’s flag-ship, in the river Medway, where he was serving when advanced to his present rank, July 22d, 1830. His brother. Commander Samuel Sparshott, is Deputy-Comptroller-General of the Coast-Guard.

[Captain of 1830.]

Son of a respectable warrant officer in the navy. He obtained the rank of lieutenant April 15th, 1803; and was employed as an agent of transports at Palermo,, during the latter part of the war. His next appointment, was, Oct. 4th, 1819, to be first lieutenant of the Queen Charlotte 108, flagship of Sir George Campbell, at Portsmouth, where he continued until the death of that officer, when he obtained a commander’s commission, dated Feb, 12th, 1821, From this period, he remained on half-pay until May 31st, 1828, when he was appointed second captain of the Britannia 120, bearing the flag of the Earl of Northesk, at Plymouth , where he continued in that ship and the St. Vincent 120, during the remainder of his lordship’s command, a period of nearly two years. His promotion to the rank of captain took place July 22d, 1830. This officer’s brother. Emanuel, is a lieutenant in the royal navy.

Agent.– J. Hinxman, Esq.

[Captain of 1830.]

Passed his examination, at Portsmouth, in Feb. 1811; obtained his first commission on the 13th June following; and served under Captains John Hayes and Willoughby T. Lake, in the Magnificent 74, from Sept. 1812 until Mar. 1815[1]. His next appointments were, – Feb. 2d, 1819, to