Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/169

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captains of 1830.

Dec. 24th, 1818, to the Morgiana sloop, Captain Charles B. Strong, fitting out for the African station, where he invalided whilst serving under Captain William Finlaison, early in 1821; – May 16th, 1822, to be first of the Alligator 28, Captain Thomas Alexander, C.B., in which ship he proceeded to the East Indies; – and, April 8th, 1823, to act as commander of the Sophie 18, then employed on the latter station: which appointment was confirmed by the Admiralty, Oct. 22d, following. The manner in which he was subsequently employed has been so fully detailed under the head of “Naval Operations in Ava, during the Burmese War,” as to render the least repetition superfluous. The following, however, should have been inserted in p. 50 of the Appendix to Vol. III. Part I., serving, as it does, more fully to illustrate the determined character of the truly gallant “fire-eater,” under whose orders he was serving in Dec. 1824:

“By Henry Ducie Chads, Esq. Commmander of H.M.
sloop Arachne, and Senior Officer at Rangoon.

“Considering the very important consequence to the shipping and the whole of the expedition, should the port at Kemmendine he carried by the enemy, who are now pressing it very hard, the welfare of our cause imperiously calls for the services of one of H.M. sloops at that place; and notwithstanding the imminent danger and risk of the ship from fire, the responsibility of which I now take wholly on myself, you are hereby directed to proceed in H.M.S. Sophie under your command, with the next flood, off that point, for its succour and support, and you will consult and co-operate with Major Yates commanding on shore for its defence; and any thing you can point out necessary for its safety that can be supplied from hence you shall immediately have it sent. Lieutenant Kellett, with the Arachne’s boats, and thirty seamen in the gun-boats, will be under your orders, and I hope to be able occasionally to visit the post myself. The Hon. Company’s cruiser Teignmouth will remain with you, and I should wish you to keep her at Pagoda Point, when you can do it with probable security.

“Given under my hand this 2d December, 1824.
(Signed)H. D. Chads, Senior Naval Officer.”

To Captain Ryves, H.M.S. Sophie.

In April 1825, Commander Ryves invalided, and returned home passenger in a merchant ship. He obtained a Companionship of the Bath in Jan. 1827; married, in June follow-