Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/173

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captains of 1830.

[Captain of 1830.]

Was made a lieutenant into the Doris frigate, Captain William J. H. Johnstone, on the South American station, Oct. 29th, 1823; appointed to the Barhain 50, Captain Sir John Louis, flag-ship of Vice-Admiral the Hon. C. E. Fleeming, Aug. 21st, 1827; promoted to the rank of commander, April 14th, 1828; appointed to the Espiegle sloop, at Jamaica, June 26th in the same year; re-appointed to the same vessel, July 30th, 1828; and advanced to his present rank, July 22d, 1830.

[Captain of 1830.]

Was made a lieutenant in May 1809. We afterwards find him serving under Captain Lord George Stuart, in the Newcastle 58, fitting out for the North American station, hut first employed in conveying Louis XVIII. from England to France, in April 1814. He was promoted to the command of the Goree sloop, June 6th, 1815; and on that vessel being laid up at Halifax, he appears to have been appointed. May 1st, 1816, to the Portia of 14 guns, then about to return home for the purpose of being put out of commission. From Aug. 1816 until May 14th, 1828, he remained unemployed; but at the latter date he was appointed second captain of the Victory 104, bearing the flag of Sir Robert Stopford, commander-in-chief at Portsmouth, where he continued until that ship was paid off in May 1830. He obtained his present rank on the 22d Oct. following.

Agents.– Messrs. Goode and Clarke.

[Captain of 1830.]

Served as midshipman of the Glasgow frigate, Captain the Hon. Henry Duncan, C.B. in 1815; obtained his first commission, July 9th, 1817; was appointed to the Tartar