Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/180

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captains of 1831.

and, on paying her off, was advanced to his present rank, May 24th, 1831.

Sir Thomas S. Pasley married, June 10th, 1826, Jane Matilda Lilly, eldest daughter of the Rev. Montague John Wynyard, rector of Wesh Rounton, and of St. Martin’s, Muklegate, Yorkshire.

[Captain of 1831.]

Served as midshipman under Captain (now Sir John P.) Beresford; passed his examination, at Plymouth, in May 1812; and was promoted into the Edinburgh 74, Captain the Hon. George H. L. Dundas, on the Mediterranean station, July 3d following. At the close of the war with France we find him proceeding to North America, in the Bacchante frigate, Captain Francis Stanfell. His promotion to the rank of commander took place Sept. 18th, 1815; from which period he remained on half-pay until Sept. 16th, 1828, when he was appointed to the Trinculo of 18 guns, on the Cork station, where he continued until the summer of 1831. His commission as captain bears date June 25th in the latter year.

[Captain of 1831.]

Third son of the late Rev. Robert Burd Gabriel, D. D. rector of Haslington and Hanworth, both in co. Middlesex, and many years proprietor of the Octagon Chapel, in Miliem Street, Bath; by the inhabitants of which city he was most highly respected for his orthodoxy, and, we may venture to add, universally admired as a popular preacher.

Mr. J. W. Gabriel was born at Hanworth, April 5th, 1783; and entered on the books of the Romney 50, bearing the flag of his godfather. Sir James Wallace, Knt. governor of Newfoundland, in Jan. 1795. From that ship he followed Captain (now Admiral) Sotheron into the Latona frigate,