Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/197

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addenda to post-captains of 1801.

tion, a tract entitled “Naval Suggestions,” and embracing a variety of subjects, – such as the building, classification, arming, manning, and fitting of ships; “with Observations and Remarks in other departments of the Service.” These were also most highly approved of by Lord Melville, the Board of Admiralty, and all the officers of high rank, to whom copies were presented; and many things therein proposed have been adopted with success.

Captain Schomberg’s next appointment was, Mar. 1st, 1829, to the Melville 74, in which ship he was serving, on the Mediterranean station, when advanced to the rank of Rear-Admiral, July 22d, 1830.

This highly meritorious officer married, 1st, Catherine Anna, daughter of the late Stepney Rawson Stepney, of Castle Durrow, King’s County, Ireland, Esq.; and, 2dly, in 1804, Anne, youngest daughter of the late Rear-Admiral Richard Smith (an old officer, much beloved and respected), whose mother had the honor of being entrusted with the care of her future revered monarch, King George III., in early life, and was applauded and caressed for the judicious manner in which she acquitted herself of so important a charge. Rear-Admiral Smith was made a post-captain in Nov. 1762, and died at Poulton-cum-Seccombe, in Cheshire, in July 1811. Rear-Admiral Schomberg’s eldest son by his first marriage is a lieutenant in the royal navy, which rank he obtained on the 11th Sept. 1827. By his present lady he has had two sons, one of whom, named Charles Frederick, is a midshipman in the navy; and the other, George Augustus, a child at school.

[Post-Captain of 1801.]

Entered the naval service in 1789, as midshipman on board the Cumberland 74, Captain John M‘Bride; served afterwards in the Penelope frigate, Captain Sir John Lindsay, on the Halifax station; and subsequently in the Trusty 50 and Queen 98, bearing the flags of Sir John