Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/280

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demonian sloop, on the West India station, Mar. 27th, 1797; and captured by the French, but under what circumstances we know not, in the month of May following. He died at Widcombe House, near Bath, June 7th, 1831.


Brother to General Gascoyne, late M.P. for Liverpool. This officer was made a lieutenant in Nov. 1790; and served as such under Captains John M‘Dougal, John Bazely, and George Wilson, in the Vestal frigate, and Alfred and Bellona, 74’s; from which latter ship he was promoted, by an Admiralty commission, to the command of the Pelican 18-gun brig. Mar. 27th, 1797.

The Bellona was then employed at the Leeward Islands, from whence Commander Gascoyne proceeded to the Jamaica station, where he assisted at the capture of la Republique Triomphante, a French national vessel, of 14 guns. He shortly afterwards had a very severe attack of yellow fever, which obliged him to go to sick-quarters at Cape Nichola Mole, and ultimately, in Jan. 1798, to exchange into the Thorn, ship-sloop, then about to return to England. In the latter part of the same year, we find him escorting some vessels from Liverpool to the Orkneys; then proceeding to Cuxhaven; and there taking charge of the homeward bound trade. On his arrival at Sheerness, the Thorn was ducked, found to be no longer sea-worthy, and consequently put out of commission. His next appointment was to the Sea-Fencible service, on the Kentish coast; and after the breaking up of that establishment, in 1810, he appears to have been employed in raising seamen at Limerick and Swansea, until the final cessation of hostilities, in 1815.

Commander Gascoyne married, in Oct. 1799 Charlotte, youngest daughter of the Rev. C. E. De Coetlogon, rector of Godstone, co. Surrey.