Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/312

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1800. He was then appointed to the Selby sloop, and subsequently to the Osborne hired armed ship, both on the North Sea station; where he likewise commanded the Alert sloop, from Aug. 1805 until Mar 1809, when he appears to have been superseded at his own particular request.

Commander Williams married, in 1815, the only daughter of the late W. Whitmore, of Dudmaston Hall, in Shropshire, Esq., and sister to the M.P. for Bridgenorth. He died at Kempsey, near Worcester, Mar. 7th, 1831.


Son, we believe, of the late Admiral Smith Child[1]. He was made a lieutenant in 1790; promoted to the command of the Merlin sloop, on the Jamaica station, Sept. 15th, 1800; and employed, during part of the late war, in the Irish Sea-Fencible service.


Was made a lieutenant in 1797, and a commander in Feb. 1801 . At the commencement of the late war, he commanded the Broderschap 22, stationed as a guard-ship at the buoy of the Knob, to assist in defending the entrances of the Thames and Medway. He died at Bethnal Green, near London, Nov. 19th, 1826.


Was made a lieutenant in 1782; and employed in raising seamen at Dundee, on the breaking out of the French revolutionary war. He served as first lieutenant at the battle of Copenhagen; obtained the rank of commander in April 1801; and died on the 3d April 1831, aged 76 years.