Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/35

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captains of 1828.

three other commissioners, taking formal possession of the ceded provinces[1]. His advancement to the rank of Captain look place Jan. 10th, 1828.

Agent.– J. Copland, Esq.

[Captain of 1828.]

Is related to the Earl of Egremont. He passed his examination in Aug. 1811; obtained a commission in Oct. 1813; and served during the remainder of the war with France, in the Rodney 74, Captain Charles Inglis. We afterwards find him proceeding to the West Indies, in the Araxes frigate, Captain George Miller Bligh; and subsequently serving as flag-lieutenant to Sir Home Popham and Sir Charles Rowley, successively commanders-in-chief on the Jamaica station, where he was promoted into the Icarus of 10 guns. May 6, 1822; and removed from that vessel to the Surinam 18, on the 19th July following. His last appointment was, Nov. 9th, 1827, to the Columbine 18, on the Halifax station, which sloop he commanded until advanced to the rank of Captain, Jan. 26th, 1828.

Agent.– John Chippendale, Esq.

[Captain of 1828.]

Commenced his naval career at an early age, under the auspices of Captain the Hon. Charles Elphinstone (now Vice Admiral Fleeming), with whom he served on various stations in the Diomede 50, and Egyptienne frigate. In 1806 he was an acting lieutenant of the Pompée 74, bearing the flag of Sir W. Sidney Smith, on the coasts of Naples and Calabria; and in the following year we find him accompanying the expeditions against Constantinople and Copenhagen[2]. During the bombardment of the latter capital, he was actively employed in the Tigress mortar-vessel; and after the surrender of the Danish navy, he received an appointment to the Ley-

  1. See Appendix to Vol. III. Part I. pp. 96, 116, and 115.
  2. See Vol. III. Part I. p. 70 et seq.